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Jul 08

Murphy on the go…..

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It has been months since i have posted anything about our Murphy. I think my last post said Murph needed another surgury to trim off his shoulder, because the wound just wasn’t heeling….we were all so worried about him, but i gotta tell you once he started getting better there was no holding him back. I didn’t post anything because i was afraid i would jinx everything we have hoped and prayed for…after all we have been through it was scarey to watch him improve every day hopeing he wouldn’t relapse.
Mr. Murphy has not relapsed, he plays and runs all over. I am glad we live in the country and he can go where ever he likes. He does get tired easily, which is to be expected. The other day he went over to our neighbors and was too pooped to make it home so we had to take the car over and get him.
I know our family would never have gotten through this whole process without the help and positive input from all of our friends at Tripods. We have to start paying more attention to the web site, so if someone comes along with all the questions we had maybe we can help.
I can’t thank everyone enough for all you have done.
Murphy and so many people that love him…

Apr 24

Murphy on the mend ?

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First of all i just want to thank everyone that has replyd to Murphy’s story with suggestions on what to do, where to go for answers or just words to help us stay positive. Before we discovered Tripawds the future looked pretty grim. We don’t take the time like we should to follow and reply to other families in our situation looking for help, advice and comfort. I guess we get consumed in our own situations. But i would like to thank everyone that has helped us on our journey of becoming a Tripawd.

Murphy has had a pretty rough time through this entire process yet he has remained sweet, gentle and loving. He doesn’t complain about a thing except getting into the car because he knows where he is going.
Friday he had yet another surgury involving the amputation.

I want to say a few words about our vet. Lance Campbell, and all the staff at College Way Animal Hospital. Lance has come to love Murphy like we do and has gone above and beyond in helping us to have a happy healthy Tripawd. Lance has tried everything he could think of to help Murphy and even a few things we got from our friends on the Tripawd web site. We have been given discount after discount and not charged for meds or office calls. Last week we decided his incision just wasn’t going to heel the way it was so anothher surgury was needed. So after the office closed and he had a long day of being a great vet. Lance did surgury to remove bone from Murphy, Lance and his asstants stayed with Murphy until we could come get him which was 10:PM because he new Murphy would be happier at home than staying overnight there. That’s just the kind of vet. we are lucky enough to have. Maybe that was more than a few words, maybe.

Anyway Murphy is still handsome, wonderful and loved by many.

Mar 13

Well our beloved dog and amputee, is not doing well. Murphy is the most patient,loving,140 pound lap dog you can imagine. Everything we present to him he just accepts, more pills OKAY, i have to wear a tee shirt ALL the time OKAY, back to the Vet OKAY, I have to have a gauze pad hanging out of this ugly shirt OKAY. I mean there is no protest no matter what is happening. He is just so happy and good natured all the time.

Murphy’s incision site still has about an inch and half that just won’t heal. When he lays down the open part is right on the floor so when he moves it just keeps comming open. It will be just about closed and then it opens again.

The flesh surrounding the open spot is pink and healthy, you can see where the scabs are trying to form but it just won’t seal up. Our vet did a culture, and at that time put him on antibiotics that would take care of the type of infection he has. The culture didn’t show anything dramatic.

We have tried every kind of bandage we can think of to try to keep it clean, from bandaging for horses to puppy pads under his shirt. It seems to me we need something that will pull the incision TOGETHER and hold it shut so it can knit closed. It is at such an awkward angle everything we try slips off of the wound. We need something that would stay tight around him.

Anyone have any suggestions. We are out of ideas for things to try.

Murphy’s loving family

Mar 01

Well the good wheather has put a little spring in Murphy’s step…in fact he has been bouncing and hopping around like crazy…he seems to be feeling so much better.

Except…the vet took his drain tubes out last week and now the incision is OPENING UP YET AGAIN !!!! Are you kidding me..the vet was totally shocked when he was told. He said the same thing happened to another dog many years ago and the out come wasnt good. It seems like it’s the part right on the shoulder bone..I don’t know what to think at this point.

We are just desperately wanting this to heal..! By the way today he is wearing a Bart Simpson shirt.

Hoping for the best..
Murphy’s family

Feb 22

The Sun is shining…

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Well the rain has stopped after days an days of drenching storms. Today the sun is shining, and a few trees are starting to bloom. I’m sure all this “SPRINGNESS” is just what Mr. Murphy needed.

Murphy stayed overnight with the vet, where he received lots of antibiotics and a nice little drain was placed into his incision instead just big gapping holes. He is also wearing a t-shirt all the time to protect him, today he is wearing ACDC……

All in all his attitude in general is really improving he is starting to follow people around, and today he layed out in the sun for quit a while…we go back tomorrow to remove the drain and then i hope it will be smooth sailing from then.

All the information from other Tripawds is helping sooo much, reading other blogs and seeing that other loved animals are experiencing similar symptoms and surviving….gives us hope…and of course Murphy’s courage is so heart warming…

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You…