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Feb 06

Murphy has been working really hard at becoming a Tripawd he has been wandering around the house and venturing further and further in the yard,and even getting a little playful.

But we have run into a little canundrum ! Murphy the Amazing some how worked out two stitches and had a big red spot that was draining bloody goo. So I called our wonderful vet. and yesterday Murf spent the day in the hospital. He had to be sedated and re-stitched and they left a big hole open to let it drain. He received antibiotic injections and came home with a very strong antibiotic and more pain pills.

I gotta say this infection really scares me, what if it gets in the bone? I really need some input from all of you at “TRIPAWDS” on how we can expect this situation to play out. I am certainly very hopeful the antibiotics will do the trick but truthfully this is scarier than the amputation itself….

Murphy and his family

4 comments so far

  1. bestboy3
    1:46 am - 2-7-2016

    My Harley had a hole in between his stitches , his stitches were intact but the way he shifted on his butt made on of those holes. I took him to vet they said it was normal he got a round of antibiotics to take and we had to massage and allow it to drain. One day the hole just sealed up he still had some fluid build up we massaged as directed and one day that was gone too. He did not get a infection from that. I know it is worrisome and it looks bad but do as they directed which helps keep it clean too. I hope it helps .

    Hugs to you and Murphy

    Love Patti and spirit Harley

    • susan43
      5:15 am - 2-7-2016

      Thank you so much for the advice, I will talk to vet about a culture, that is such a good idea, ideas like that are just what I was looking for. Murphy is so brave , accepting and trusting. Maybe that is why it is so easy to give him unconditional love.

      Thank you

  2. linda8115
    2:52 am - 2-7-2016

    One thing I would make sure the vet does if it’s an infection is culture it so he’s getting the right antibiotic for the infection he has. You want to make sure it isn’t MRSA or something that needs a specific antibiotic to cure. Our big guy too pulled out a few stitches and had to be restiched with a drain sewn in. He had a seroma that’s why they put the drain in. It healed beautifully and we had no more incision issues after. Hopefully Murphy will be on the road to incision recovery going forward. Sending healing energy Murphy’s way. Hugs,
    Linda, Ollie, Riley & Spirit Mighty Max

  3. annapyr
    3:42 pm - 2-7-2016

    I haven’t been seeing your Blog pop up, so I had to go back and catch up. Wow, Murphy is soooo handsome!

    I would definitely ask for a culture, you can never be too careful since hospitals are the nasty places to pick up resistant bacteria.

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