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Jan 28

All about Murphy

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Some people one Tripawds already know our Murphy My daughter has both of Murphy’s parents, his mom is a Great Pyrenees and his dad is an Anatolian Shepherd, and of course Murphy is the BEST of both breeds. When we first got Murphy he was jus a ball of fur, that quickly wagged his way into everyone’s heart. Now he is a 140lb 2 year old. He loves to play, run and thinks he is a lap dog. He is mostly a large house dog, but has acreage to wonder about.
Two weeks ago he started limping, so thinking he had something in his paw we soaked him in Epsom salts, which he loved. But after three days we went to see our wonderful vet. When we went back to get him the vet said “sit down guys this is serious”. He told us Murphy had a tumor in his leg, and it was cancerous. We all felt like we had been kicked in the stomach. So we cried, and cried some more, talked to the vet many many times, and finally came to conclusion that Amputation was the only answer.

This will be a new adventure with our baby but I am sure with all the support we have gotten we will make it through.
Murphy’s family

Jan 28

Murphy is a bouncing 140lb 2year old. Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherd. Murphy wagged his way into our families hearts and we love him so much. Going through the amputation is going to be a new a different was of life for all of us.
Murphy’s loving family